Be kind. With the state of the world being what it is we are all a little on edge these days. You never know the battles people are facing at home and you never know how much work someone is doing behind the scenes. Every-one needs a little grace right now, so please be kind.
If you know of someone that you used to see around, but no longer do, please give them a call to see how they are doing.
When you see someone come into the lodge, say hello, make them feel welcome. We are a friendly place. A family center. This is OUR MOOSE HOME.
Please support and share our Moose events. If you are having fun, post it on Facebook. Take pictures. (Please no live videos in the social quarters.)
Invite your friends. Remember they can only come as a guest twice to hangout in the Social Quarters or to Member/Guest events. (Public events do not count in this number.) Make sure to sign them in.
We are all members. No member is greater than another. We are all here together. Board members are volunteers. There is literally only one board member that is a paid employee of the lodge. Where board members are to hold themselves to a higher standard, remember they are still volunteers. Some work full time jobs. Some are enjoying a well-deserved retirement, but it is up to the individual board member to police themselves and it us up to you to elect the members that you believe will do the best job for the lodge.
If you have great ideas bring them to a meeting and get involved. It’s great to have ideas, but there are so few that actually volunteer to bring them to life.
We need you to keep our moose home going. Do you have a little time? Do you have a talent? Please speak to a board member. If every member of our lodge volunteered 12 hours a year, just 1 hour a month, in Kenosha, that would be over 24,600 hours, can you imagine all the things we could get done?!? Take the number of members in your lodge and multiply it by 12 to see how many hours you could possibly have for your lodge! Does an hour a month seem like too much to ask?
Respectfully Submitted,
Kellee Chwala
Pops would like to thank everyone for the well wishes. He is home and resting comfortably.

Greetings from Moose Charities

Every February is the time of year when we cover the walls of our lodge home with rocking chairs to help raise awareness and money for the Endowment Fund.

Are you ready to rock the Rocker?

Ideas/Suggestions to promote the Rocker:

  • Lodge officers meet and agree to hold a friendly competition.
  • Create a competition: Use different colored paper for the Rockers for each group created in the competition.
  • “Work” the Rocker Fundraiser every day and every night in February. Use special dates during the month for added fun: Groundhog Day, Super Bowl Day, Valentine’s Day, Giving Hearts Day, Random Acts of Kindness Day, and Presidents’ Day.
  • During meal functions: Place paper Rockers at each table setting and/or provide a paper Rocker at the same time as providing liquid refreshments at a table or bar.
  • Keep a running total/thermometer posted in the lodge.
  • Ring a bell, bang a gong, blow a horn, or do a happy dance whenever a donation is made.


What fun activity is your Lodge doing to promote the Rocker?


All donations will need to be submitted to Moose Charities by March 15th.


Thank you for all you do for our Mooseheart Children and Moosehaven Seniors through Moose Charities.

Cheryl Ripp

Moose Charities Chairman


Hello my Moose Friends, I am Thomas Kronenburg from Muskego Moose Lodge 1057 and Wisconsin Moose Legion 31. I am so Honored to have been sworn in at Moose International Convention 2022 as The State of Wisconsin Moose Legion Ambassador. I want to thank all of you for becoming Moose Legion members. We, The Degree of Service, are here to assist our Lodges, District, State and communities all while having fun. We are the members, ready to help our Lodges during any functions and with day to day activities, We look for ways to increase our Lodge’s potential to become that Organization that everyone knows and those in need can come to for help. We do events to bring in members to enjoy Our Lodge, which creates funds to take care of needs in both the Moose and our Local Communities. We need to speak to our Lodge members about activities we do and the fun we have doing them. Let our potential Moose Legion member know what their yearly dues are used for and the positive effect it has on our Children at Mooseheart and Seniors at Moosehaven. Remind our Moose members that a large group of people giving a little extra takes care of So Much. Let everyone know what you do, where your money is being used and most importantly, be proud of what you accomplish. Advertise at your Lodge, but not just your event, include the outcome and what you are planning to do with your success. Be Proud, Tell People. Make sure your Lodge Moose Legion Assistant Secretary, at a minimum, is at every Lodge Membership meeting informing (bragging) our members what your Doing and what you have Accomplished.  Your actions and how you present yourself is the Key to the success of the Moose Legion. Be Proud that we give a little more, be Proud that you took that extra step. I AM.  I’m very excited to have this chance to meet with you at your Lodges, Moose Legion Celebrations and at the WI Moose Legion Fun Weekend.  Please, feel free to contact me with any issues and all accomplishment, my cell number (414) 708-7716. Again, thank you for your Moose Legion service.      Your Moose Legion Brother, Thomas Kronenburg

Greetings Sisters and Brothers!

Happy New Year!  Let’s hope for a wonderful 2023!  New year, new beginnings… Let’s Make It Happen!

In our Moose home in Monroe, WI, there’s a picture/mirror in our hall with an inscription on it.  Many of you probably have the same picture hanging in your Moose homes. Now I’ve probably walked by that picture thousands of times in the 40 plus years as a member and never really took the time to pause and read the inscription.

The inscription goes like this:

Our Moose Family is a deeply rooted tree with branches of different strengths all receiving nourishment from an infinite source.

Our Moose Family is where character is formed, values are learned, ethics are created and society is preserved.

Our Moose Family is where all members contribute and share, cooperate and work and accept their responsibilities toward the good of the group.

Our Moose Family is where holidays are celebrated with feasting, birthdays acknowledged with gifts, and thoughts of days gone by kept alive with fond remembrances.

Our Moose Family is where each member can find solace and comfort in grief, pleasure and laughter in joy and kindness and encouragement in daily living.

Our Moose Family is a haven of rest, a sanctuary of peace and most of all, a harbor of love.

Such a beautiful sentiment in this message!  It’s my hope for each and every Moose Lodge to live by the words written on that beautiful picture.  We should all be very proud to belong to an organization with standards such as these.  I’m ever so glad that I took the time to pause and read the inscription. 

So my wish for all of you is to “pause” and read the inscription on that picture and then to live by the words that are inscribed.  Once you read those words, I hope they live on in your hearts forever.  I don’t know about you but I am ever so grateful to have such a wonderful Moose Family!

Thank you all so very much for everything that you do!  Mooseheart, Moosehaven and our communities truly do appreciate it!

Take care, be safe, stay well and always stay humble and kind!

Karyn Johnson

Grand Council Member

WI Chapter Advocate


On Saturday, January 22, 2022, a new Moose Lodge was instituted in the State of Wisconsin. The Capital City Moose Service Center Institution Ceremonies were held at the Madison Eagles Club. A wonderful ham lunch was served with a delicious dessert buffet. Following the luncheon the Institution Ceremony installed the first all-female Lodge Board with Carol Meier as President, Vickie Drager as Vice President, and Bernice Norton as Secretary/Treasurer. The following Committee Chairs were also installed Membership Committee Chair- Lynn Laufenberg, Community Service Chair- Janice Kilby, Family Activities and Sport Committee Chair- Teri Jo Goelke, and Auditing Committee Chair- Linda Wren. There were 45 charter members in attendance. Many dignitaries were also on hand to help celebrate this most auspicious event including: Sandy DeSotel, Moose International Board of Directors – served as Installing Officer & Enrolling Officer, Harry Johnston, Past Supreme Governor – served as Acting President, and Gordon Dailey, Moose International Director of Business Operations– served as Installing Sergeant-at-Arms. Congratulations on this huge accomplishment. This new lodge would not have been possible had it not been for the dedicated members of the Madison Woman of the Moose Chapter 291, your vision has been realized through your hard work.


Hello everyone! Hopefully you attended our WMA conference in Stevens Point. A super time was had there. Great sessions were held, great social time, and great friendships. The membership group, myself, Renee LaPoint and Mike Wixom all cannot say thank you enough for your participation at our fundraising bake sale, TV raffle, were great success. Many ideas to help our association grow were reviewed at both areas. We all need to remember that growth at our lodges and chapters as well as our association IS our future. 
Again like last month I’m asking all our lodges and chapters to think about your members now on fixed incomes and how we can help them stay members thru some type of program, whether it be a payment term type item or reduced senior cost to the lodge offset to full payment to international. Other members may also be in situations that could use some Moose Family help. 
The glaring item that came out from the membership session presentation was number of application’s in so far this year. Our fraternity apps is bleak to say the least.
As has been said numerous times “ Just-Ask” that’s all it takes, you cannot enroll a member without asking them to join! Ladies and Gentlemen we need to commit to growth for our association and fraternity. Get with your boards and membership committees and plan your attack on growth your lodge and chapter.
Again thank you everyone for all you do.Any questions or suggestions please feel free to ask myself,Renee or Mike not only your questions but  also your suggestions.
Sincerely Yours in Moose Friendship,
Dennis Dost – WMA Membership Co-Chairman

The Safe Surfin’ Foundation exists to inform, educate, and equip everyone fighting the good fight against evil in the world. Safe Surfin’ empowers law enforcement, teachers, parents, and young people in being cyber smart. Join the partnership for good in the world.

Our Mission

The Safe Surfin’ Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit Cyber Safety and Responsibility educational initiative, created by law enforcement professionals in 1998, and dedicated not only to protecting youth from those who would do them harm, but pro-actively educating them in the safe and responsible use of today’s ever-changing technology. Together, we’re improving and saving lives. Please join us in our quest.

Our Approach

Over the last two decades, we have gained valuable insight into the effectiveness of our message. In order to stop predators in their tracks, we must have informed citizens of cyberspace who have fully embraced the principles of online safety and responsibility. Your ongoing support is critical and will help us educate the internet users that are confronted with danger.

Our Goal

An informed citizenry of cyberspace makes for a safer world. We want to stop the predators right at their intended victims, before a crime has occurred. We want to stop hateful or illegal text messages before they are sent. We want to see technology used to brighten the lives of others, rather than be an instrument of harm. And our goal is to get you involved.