Wisconsin Women of the Moose Rally Days

Where: Kenosha Moose Lodge #286 / Chapter #155

Address: 3003 30th Avenue, Kenosha, WI 53140

When: August 9th – 11th

Breakfast at Tiffany’s

WMA Chapter Rally Days 2024

Dress the part if you wish, dresses, gloves, pearls, tiaras, fancy hats, sunglasses, etc. you get the idea.

We’ll have a guest speaker, games, community service project, raffles, crafts, awards and recognition, food, FUN and so much more!

For Beautiful eyes – Look for the good in others

For beautiful lips – Speak only words of Kindness

And for Poise: Walk with the knowledge that you are never alone

Download 2024 Chapter Rally Days Information Here

WMA Chapter Rally Days 2024


Here we are at the start of a new Moose year, new beginnings, new Officers, new ideas!  Our new Moose theme this year is “Embrace our Community”.  This theme highlights the good that our Fraternity has provided to our local communities for the past 100+ years and promotes what we will continue to do into the future.  We embrace our communities with awareness of the Moose, ask how we as a Fraternity can assist and invite them to join us in support of their/our community.  We need to make our presence known in our communities.

Many thanks and congratulations to those of you who have stepped up to be Officers, Chairmen and Appointed Officers for our new Moose year.  This is such a great opportunity to be of service, learn some new things and develop our leadership skills.

To my Chapter Sisters, there’s lots to do at the beginning of the year. 

Plan on attending a WOTM training session – right now we have the following sessions scheduled:

Date              Place                                    Trainer                                           Contact Info

5/4/2024       EKM                                     Kae Anderson                               chriskae@charter.net

5/11/2024     Monroe                                Karyn Johnson                              karynj1958@gmail.com

6/8/2024       River Falls                             Dawn Hill                                      ddhmoose2020@gmail.com

6/15/2024     Racine                                  Nicole Springsteen                        wmadistrict2@yahoo.com

6/29/2024     Chippewa Falls                      Dawn Hill                                     ddhmoose2020@gmail.com

Please let the trainers know if you plan on attending. 

Things to bring: The WOTM General Laws, Secretary Book and a notepad for taking notes.  Lunch will be served by the hostess Chapter for a minimal fee.  The cost of the training session will be $10.00.  You must be present for the entire session to get credit for attending.

New Senior Regents – appoint your Chapter Committee Chairmen, Appointed Officer, Higher Degree Chairman and Special Committee Chairmen.  Don’t forget your Financial Review and Application Review Committees.

We should all schedule a meeting / get together with our Chapter Committee Chairmen.  At this meeting the Senior Regent should explain the responsibilities of the Chairmen, give them their Committee list from LCL web, talk with them about the importance of planning their Chapter Committee Activity night and fundraising ideas.  Make sure they are aware of the importance of submitting proposals to the Board of Officers for these activities.

Make sure to notify every member of the Chapter to let them know which Committee they are assigned to and then impress on the Chairmen how important it is to reach out to those Committee members, invite them to attend Committee and Chapter meetings.  So many times I hear members say “I would love to help but I never get asked”.  We need to keep our members involved. 

The Higher Degree Chairman should be presenting plans at your meeting in May to honor our new Academy of Friendship Friends in the month of June.  Please make this a special meeting and celebration of our new “Friends”.  They worked hard to earn this degree and we need to celebrate them.

So it’s like this, “on your marks, get set, GO!”  Let’s start the year off on the right foot and aim to get to the finish line with flying colors!

Thank you all for everything that you do!  Mooseheart, Moosehaven and our communities truly do appreciate it!

In love and Friendship,

Karyn Johnson


Greetings Sisters and Brothers!

Happy New Year!  Let’s hope for a wonderful 2023!  New year, new beginnings… Let’s Make It Happen!

In our Moose home in Monroe, WI, there’s a picture/mirror in our hall with an inscription on it.  Many of you probably have the same picture hanging in your Moose homes. Now I’ve probably walked by that picture thousands of times in the 40 plus years as a member and never really took the time to pause and read the inscription.

The inscription goes like this:

Our Moose Family is a deeply rooted tree with branches of different strengths all receiving nourishment from an infinite source.

Our Moose Family is where character is formed, values are learned, ethics are created and society is preserved.

Our Moose Family is where all members contribute and share, cooperate and work and accept their responsibilities toward the good of the group.

Our Moose Family is where holidays are celebrated with feasting, birthdays acknowledged with gifts, and thoughts of days gone by kept alive with fond remembrances.

Our Moose Family is where each member can find solace and comfort in grief, pleasure and laughter in joy and kindness and encouragement in daily living.

Our Moose Family is a haven of rest, a sanctuary of peace and most of all, a harbor of love.

Such a beautiful sentiment in this message!  It’s my hope for each and every Moose Lodge to live by the words written on that beautiful picture.  We should all be very proud to belong to an organization with standards such as these.  I’m ever so glad that I took the time to pause and read the inscription. 

So my wish for all of you is to “pause” and read the inscription on that picture and then to live by the words that are inscribed.  Once you read those words, I hope they live on in your hearts forever.  I don’t know about you but I am ever so grateful to have such a wonderful Moose Family!

Thank you all so very much for everything that you do!  Mooseheart, Moosehaven and our communities truly do appreciate it!

Take care, be safe, stay well and always stay humble and kind!

Karyn Johnson

Grand Council Member

WI Chapter Advocate