Be kind. With the state of the world being what it is we are all a little on edge these days. You never know the battles people are facing at home and you never know how much work someone is doing behind the scenes. Every-one needs a little grace right now, so please be kind.
If you know of someone that you used to see around, but no longer do, please give them a call to see how they are doing.
When you see someone come into the lodge, say hello, make them feel welcome. We are a friendly place. A family center. This is OUR MOOSE HOME.
Please support and share our Moose events. If you are having fun, post it on Facebook. Take pictures. (Please no live videos in the social quarters.)
Invite your friends. Remember they can only come as a guest twice to hangout in the Social Quarters or to Member/Guest events. (Public events do not count in this number.) Make sure to sign them in.
We are all members. No member is greater than another. We are all here together. Board members are volunteers. There is literally only one board member that is a paid employee of the lodge. Where board members are to hold themselves to a higher standard, remember they are still volunteers. Some work full time jobs. Some are enjoying a well-deserved retirement, but it is up to the individual board member to police themselves and it us up to you to elect the members that you believe will do the best job for the lodge.
If you have great ideas bring them to a meeting and get involved. It’s great to have ideas, but there are so few that actually volunteer to bring them to life.
We need you to keep our moose home going. Do you have a little time? Do you have a talent? Please speak to a board member. If every member of our lodge volunteered 12 hours a year, just 1 hour a month, in Kenosha, that would be over 24,600 hours, can you imagine all the things we could get done?!? Take the number of members in your lodge and multiply it by 12 to see how many hours you could possibly have for your lodge! Does an hour a month seem like too much to ask?
Respectfully Submitted,
Kellee Chwala
Pops would like to thank everyone for the well wishes. He is home and resting comfortably.