Wisconsin Moose Association

Wisconsin Moose Association

80th Annual Mid-Year Conference

February 27 – March 2, 2025

Hotel Mead

Wisconsin Rapids, WI

Heart Of The Community

Heart of the Community Project

Focus Food Pantry

Food and Hygiene Products Drive

Focus Food Pantry

Focus Food Pantry Focus Food Pantry

For every two items donated or a $5 donation, receive one ticket for a chance at winning a Mooseheart jersey.

Lodges: To win this, you could hold a food drive at your lodge and have someone bring the food to the conference.


Community service is the easiest task to do and to describe. “Community” is what surrounds us and the “Service” we do is what makes the warm, happy feeling in-side. You don’t have to look too far and it doesn’t always take a lot of time to say to the community “we are here for you”. What can we do, just about anything when you’re a Moose. In return, a warm heart and a smile of thanks goes a long way. That’s not bad payment for a job well done.
Speaking of jobs well done – How about Eau Claire Community Service! We are going to have a huge amount of items for all those little ones as well as the lap robes and personal items for the adults. “Wis. Moose on the Move” We’re trying to utilize this newsletter to the fullest, so I hope you liked when we put the list of needed items in here. We know every lodge and chapter receives this mailing so its accessible to the President, Administrator, Senior Regents and many others, what better way to communicate our needs. All you need to do is read it, print it, clip it and hang it in your lodge by your HOC Collection Box. How simple is that!
I would like to thank the Bloomer Lodge/Chapter for sending me a copy of their HOC Report which enables me to share some of their wonderful community service ideas……
They provided desserts for the Swim team and Youth football Fund Raising Events. Having a sign saying desserts provided by the Bloomer Moose Lodge/Chapter and wearing Moose shirts, caps, pins is crucial so we can use the service hrs. etc. They are providing rides for community residents to and from the Cancer Treatment Center as well as visiting Veterans at the Local V.A. AWESOME JOB BLOOMER!
Thanks for your ideas, for all you do for your lodge, this great organization & for your community. Stay safe & remember be “MOOSE PROUD”.
H.O.C. Chairperson

The West Bend Moose Lodge has been handing out over 3,000 FREE Community lunches since March 18th. All lunches have been provided by donations from the lodge members and members of this community. They have pulled together and keep making amazing donations of  money, food, bags, baggies, gift cards and so much more! Volunteers come each week to make fresh Turkey and Cheese or Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for all the lunches, and get the lunches together in lunch bags for the lunches! Our lodge runs completely on volunteers! I have the same volunteers that come each week to give their time to be sure this program survives and keeps going. Donations also have been made by the Full Shelf Food Pantry and BSA 762 and Girls BSA 6762!!!!

Lunches are handed out Thursday and Fridays from 11-2pm!

Families, elderly, disabled and group homes are among the people receiving these lunches. We have had pictures drawn for us, Cookies baked and even slippers made for us just to say THANK YOU!!! How amazing is that!

Sheboygan Moose lodge and Moose Legion donated money to get these baskets for the less fortunate.


Kaukauna Moose Lodge adopted 2– families of 4  for Adopt-a-Family this year!! Pictured below is the Kaukauna girls JV Basketball team that volunteer to wrap the gifts


In the Photos you will find a day with Santa and his elves from The Janesvile Lodge 197 FORWAD MOOSE LEGION Committee 191 and co-workers from chapter 477 school photo in their FUTURE MOOSE SHIRTS donated by Janesville Chapter 477.  A big THANK YOU goes out to the Janesville Membership for supporting this event. This event is 6 years in the running and continues to be a huge Success.


Just before the holiday season struck The Janesville Lodge 197 and the Chapter 477 teamed up with a local Cannery  Seneca Foods of Janesville and Donated two pallets of food to Mooseheart. Pictured in the photo Back Row Matt Boardman Administrator, Chris Smith Junior Governor, Front Row Dennis Dost Governor, Mike Wixom JR Past Governor


Community Service starts at home, our Moose Family Home. The definition of “Community Service” lists it as a noun meaning – Voluntary work intended to help people in a particular area. Since we are always trying to get younger people involved why not try a generational project. A generational project involves the one who teaches (often the veteran or older person) and the one who wants to learn (many times the younger individual but not always the case) working together to accomplish a common goal. In your Lodge newsletter perhaps you could run an ad like this. Want to learn to knit, crochet, or how to tie blankets, etc.  Bring your daughter, son, granddaughter, friend, or neighbor to our craft night. These handmade items will be distributed to individuals within our community through our partnership with other local community service organizations.

We have held a craft night, quilting bee, blanket tying fest, whatever you want to call it and had very good results. We had young people come along with mom or grandma as well as several guys who brought their wives and then ended up trying blankets and having a really good time. The project no matter what you decide to do is the basis for 2 important ideas. First of all, it encourages young and old to work together to learn how to do these crafts and to be patient with each other while doing so. Second, the handmade item you hold in your hand and the friendships you keep in your heart are what leave lasting memories for you, your friend, and for the community you donate these items to.

Have your lodge and chapter charter a bus for the Mooseheart Tree Lighting. This is an excellent way to show members especially new ones or guests of members what we as the Moose do for our children and our community. We always seem to be looking out of our realm to find things to do when what we need is right under our noses.

So, when it comes to Community Service, it doesn’t always have to make money, it just needs to make sense. Keep up the awesome work and keep sending your ideas so we can share.                                        

Fraternally yours,

Helen M. Kiefer

Heart of the Community Chairperson