Community service is the easiest task to do and to describe. “Community” is what surrounds us and the “Service” we do is what makes the warm, happy feeling in-side. You don’t have to look too far and it doesn’t always take a lot of time to say to the community “we are here for you”. What can we do, just about anything when you’re a Moose. In return, a warm heart and a smile of thanks goes a long way. That’s not bad payment for a job well done.
Speaking of jobs well done – How about Eau Claire Community Service! We are going to have a huge amount of items for all those little ones as well as the lap robes and personal items for the adults. “Wis. Moose on the Move” We’re trying to utilize this newsletter to the fullest, so I hope you liked when we put the list of needed items in here. We know every lodge and chapter receives this mailing so its accessible to the President, Administrator, Senior Regents and many others, what better way to communicate our needs. All you need to do is read it, print it, clip it and hang it in your lodge by your HOC Collection Box. How simple is that!
I would like to thank the Bloomer Lodge/Chapter for sending me a copy of their HOC Report which enables me to share some of their wonderful community service ideas……
They provided desserts for the Swim team and Youth football Fund Raising Events. Having a sign saying desserts provided by the Bloomer Moose Lodge/Chapter and wearing Moose shirts, caps, pins is crucial so we can use the service hrs. etc. They are providing rides for community residents to and from the Cancer Treatment Center as well as visiting Veterans at the Local V.A. AWESOME JOB BLOOMER!
Thanks for your ideas, for all you do for your lodge, this great organization & for your community. Stay safe & remember be “MOOSE PROUD”.
H.O.C. Chairperson