Hello, Wisconsin Moose Association Membership.

I hope that Super Spring Training we had for you at the Mid-Year Conference at Fond Du Lac was inspiring enough to send you back to your Lodges, Chapters, and Moose Legions, and turn those membership, and other goals around to the plus columns for a great ending of that Moose Year.

But please don’t stop there, starting in May let’s make this the beginning of the best year yet! To help get our Wisconsin Association, and Moose Fraternity be #1.

With this WMA enthusiasm spreading outward, the list for speakers to come to our Conventions, and Mid-year Conferences grows and grows.

If you have a question about something let me know. If I cannot answer it, I will try my best to get you an answer.

We thank all the Lodges, Chapters, Moose Legions, Valued Veteran Committees, etc., etc., etc.  for helping Veteran events.  And showing the Communities interest in helping send Vets on the Honor Flight Program.

If you have done anything locally or with the State Project, please send me a text. I hear a lot of events are being done but no official reports. Please send me the information and I’ll report it on your behalf.

Thank you for helping our communities, and the Veterans, and Service people that help us everyday.

Again, thank you for all that you do.

Larry H. Pratt

WMA President   


Cell /Text: (920) 377-4427

Home phone: (920) 467-8436