2024-2025 State Fundraising Projects

The Wisconsin Moose Association currently has 3 association fundraisers, and the WMA now has a link where you can go and donate to the projects at any time!

The Penzkover COB Fund is to donate funds for when our own Mooseheart Graduate and Muskego Moose Member becomes Chairman of the Board in Oklahoma City in 2026. Mark is currently serving as the Director Chaplain of the Moose International Board of Directors. He is the most humble fraternalist one can meet. If it were up to him, there would be no celebration or recognition to go along with this, but it is a big deal, and certain celebrations are required. These celebrations can be somewhat costly, and so we need to raise funds. If you make a donation of at least $10 to the COB fund on the website, please get a wristband from us the next time you see us!

Mark’s Story: https://wismoose.org/moose-on-a-mission-the-penzkover-story/

The Wisconsin Home. We are honored to have a house on campus that is currently housing students. The home is our responsibility, and we need to have funds available to help with the upkeep of it.

The third project is the Moosehaven AAA Project. We still have to go to meet our commitment to Moosehaven for the construction of this state-of-the-art facility for our senior members to enjoy their activities.

Please, if you can, donate to one or all of these projects. If you wish to give an amount larger than the amounts shown, please either make multiple entries or contact us, and we can add additional amounts if necessary.

Thank you.

WMA Fundraising Donation Link: https://tinyurl.com/WMA-Fund

QR for WMA Fundraising is the red one below.

2024-2025 State Fundraising Projects

2425 WMA Pres Pro

The WMA President’s Project for 2024-2025 is:

From WMA President Margie Marsden: My husband Dan was diagnosed with Latter Onset Limb/Girdle Muscular Dystrophy at the age of 48. From the time of his diagnosis to his death at age 66, he never gave up hope of finding a cure or treatment.

For this year’s president’s project, I am asking each district, lodge, chapter, and Moose Legion to hold fundraising events. Funds raised will be designated to be used in Wisconsin for the several MDA Care Centers and for sending children with MD to camp.

If you wish to donate individually, here is the website; there is also a QR code attached for your convenience: https://bit.ly/WMAPP2025.
