District 2
District 2 Minutes
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District Documents
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Upcoming Meetings
Nothing from October 3, 2024 to October 3, 2025.
District 2 Officers & Chairman
Officer/Chairman | Name | Phone | |
President | Kellee Chwala | 262-705-0001 | moosekellee@yahoo.com |
Vice President | Clyde Brophy | 720-341-9801 | clyde-brophy@outlook.com |
Secretary | Ron Horner | 847-337-2777 | horner.horner@mindspring.com |
Treasurer | John Springsteen | 262-994-7515 | springsteen3900@att.net |
Chaplain | Rich Spear | ||
Sergeant at Arms | Nicole Springsteen | 262-994-7416 | nicolewotm631@yahoo.com |
Past President | Tom Kroneneburg | 414-708-7716 | thomaskbird@aol.com |
*Membership | John Springsteen | 262-994-7515 | springsteen3900@att.net |
*Heart of the Community | Dawn Bauer | 262-498-1744 | charlieprimetime@aol.com |
*Moose Charities | Vicky Lubecke | 262-496-7057 | Harryvick@sbcglobal.net |
*Safe Surfing | Ron Horner | 847-337-2777 | horner.horner@mindspring.com |
*Youth Awareness | Joanne Horner | 262-497-8290 | teamhorner@mindspring.com |
*Sports/Activities | Doug Szymuszkiewicz | 262-751-1780 | ddszym@hotmail.com |
Communications | Melissa Zukewich | 262-676-8487 | tisha@prodigy.net |
Endowment | John Springsteen | 262-994-7515 | springsteen3900@att.net |
Moose Legion | Ron Horner | 847-337-2777 | horner.horner@mindspring.com |
Historian or Moose Booster | Rich Spear | ||
Loss Prevention C.A.P.S. | Jim Konitzer | 815-764-8529 | jamesk1944@yahoo.com |
Fundraising | Jessica Scroggin | 224-337-2055 | jjscroggs1@icloud.com |
Safety |
District 2 Lodges & Chapters
Lodge | Lodge# | Chapter# | District | Website |
Kenosha | 286 | 155 | 2 | https://www.kenoshamoose286.com/ |
Milwaukee | 49 | 345 | 2 | https://www.milwaukeelodge49.org/ |
Muskego | 1057 | 1617 | 2 | http://muskegomoose.com/ |
Racine | 437 | 631 | 2 | https://racinemoose.com/ |