Association President
Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Moose,
As this year comes to a close, I have spent some time reflecting on the last few months and I would like you all to know that I am so grateful for the Moose.
We participated in the Rudolph Run with many dedicated Moose members, and over $77,000 was raised for Mooseheart. If for one moment, you think that your efforts don’t matter, remember that this was not accomplished by one person, but by MANY individuals working together. I would like to send out a huge Thank you to everyone who donated or participated in this event. For those who were unable to join us…there’s always next year!
The graduate luncheon was especially memorable this year. As usual, Nichole and John Springsteen organized another amazing holiday meal for all attendees. The food was delicious, the decorations festive, and cordial fellowship fostered. Thank you both for continuing to organize these events. You are greatly appreciated.
My wife and I were honored to have graduate Heritier Rukumbuzi join us at our table for the luncheon. We spoke about his daily life at Mooseheart, how he came to be there, and about his future plans. We were warmly greeted by and spent time talking to other graduates after the luncheon. We discovered that many of the children have, or have had, other family members at Mooseheart. Which made me realize that we are helping generations. All the children at Mooseheart have easier access to bright futures because of the Moose and all of our members.
The tree lighting ceremony was short and sweet this year, but no less memorable. Several people mistook me for Gary Urwiler. When they realized the error, an idea was shared that I should be Gary’s stunt double. Now, as happy as I am to participate and be a part of the Moose at every opportunity available to me, I will regretfully have to pass on the stunt-double position. (Sorry Gary, you are on your own with that one.)
As the time for the tree lighting grew near, we were gifted a small miracle. The tree lights that hadn’t been working were fixed within minutes of the Tree lighting ceremony. God blessed the hands of the gentlemen that were able to make that happen. We are so fortunate to have such skilled people who are willing and able. My heart felt Thank you to all those behind the scenes who made the day come together so flawlessly.
The WMA Christmas party was deemed a success. Everyone was invited to this event, and the turnout was impressive. After the WMA Board finished their morning meetings, we had some fundraisers, gift exchanges, and we found out why some of our members were on Santa’s Naughty list. (You know who you are!!) There was live music after a holiday dinner Prepared by the Beloit Lodge, with a great evening ending with cocktails and fellowship.
I would like to thank all our Moose members. Everyone one either participated in or donated to these events simply by being a Moose member, and you are all greatly appreciated.
As always, I will remain dedicated to my God, my family and my people of the Moose. With motivating thoughts for the futures of our lodges and the continued success of Moosheart and Moosehaven, I wish you all safety and blessings this new year.