Hello everyone! Hopefully you attended our WMA conference in Stevens Point. A super time was had there. Great sessions were held, great social time, and great friendships. The membership group, myself, Renee LaPoint and Mike Wixom all cannot say thank you enough for your participation at our fundraising bake sale, TV raffle, were great success. Many ideas to help our association grow were reviewed at both areas. We all need to remember that growth at our lodges and chapters as well as our association IS our future. 
Again like last month I’m asking all our lodges and chapters to think about your members now on fixed incomes and how we can help them stay members thru some type of program, whether it be a payment term type item or reduced senior cost to the lodge offset to full payment to international. Other members may also be in situations that could use some Moose Family help. 
The glaring item that came out from the membership session presentation was number of application’s in so far this year. Our fraternity apps is bleak to say the least.
As has been said numerous times “ Just-Ask” that’s all it takes, you cannot enroll a member without asking them to join! Ladies and Gentlemen we need to commit to growth for our association and fraternity. Get with your boards and membership committees and plan your attack on growth your lodge and chapter.
Again thank you everyone for all you do.Any questions or suggestions please feel free to ask myself,Renee or Mike not only your questions but  also your suggestions.
Sincerely Yours in Moose Friendship,
Dennis Dost – WMA Membership Co-Chairman